
What is GObject?

GObject is a library that allows object oriented development using standard C. Together with the GLib library it is one of the fundamental building blocks of the popular GTK library and many applications on the GNOME platform. There are bindings to popular languages like Java, C#, Python, Ruby, PHP, Vala and many others.

Why use GObjectCreator?

Implementing a GObject based application in C can be quite cumbersome. A bunch of macros has to be defined, object types, properties and signals have to be registered by placing calls to GObject functions in the code. These tasks require a lot of boilerplate coding which might easily distract a developer from implementing the actual functionality of his application.

What exactly is GObjectCreator?

GObjectCreator is a command line tool that allows you to generate source code sceletons for GObjects from one or more meta definition files. So you can concentrate on the design of your objects while GObjectCreator will generate the required boilerplate coding for you. GObjectCreator uses Python to implement a domain specific language for the meta definition. By default GObjectCreator generates C header and source files from the meta definition. Additionally there is (experimental) support for Vala and C# as target languages.

See the documentation for more information.